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August 19, 2011—MEDICC deeply mourns the passing of Debra Evenson—colleague and friend—who died August 17 in Chicago at the age of 69. “She was dedicated to opening the door between the people of the United...

By Conner Gorry in Haiti Predictably, the headlines have shifted away from post-quake Haiti. While millions wait for the billions pledged in March at the UN donor’s conference, emergency medical staff continue to retire from...

By Conner Gorry in Port-au-Prince “My future is to see my country transformed, a different country, where Haitians feel happy and proud to be in their country. Where they don’t need to emigrate, where Haitian children...

By Conner Gorry in Haiti I do a lot of listening here, asking far fewer questions than I usually would and I never inquire about family… Case I There’s a light drizzle falling as the...

By Conner Gorry in Haiti Leogâne, Haiti–Leaving Port-au-Prince is an exercise in self-defense: the assault of sights, sounds, smells, and emotions requires closing your eyes, covering your nose, and shielding your heart from Haiti´s brutal...